Africa’s launchpad for
Innovative Startups! |

Business Incubation and Innovation Centre at Strathmore University

About @iBizAfrica

@iBizAfrica Incubation Centre is Kenya’s leading incubation hub that focuses on nurturing and empowering the next generation of digital innovators. We strive to foster a dynamic ecosystem that promotes creativity, collaboration, and innovation, enabling startups to thrive and drive positive change in the society.

jobs generated by our startups in the last five years
0 k+
startups funded through @iBizAfrica are still operational
0 %
Amount that collaborations with industry stakeholders have disbursed in seed funding to more than 100 startups.
$ 0 k

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From Our Incubatees

Fostering Innovation, Igniting Success.

Business solutions can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

@iBizAfrica is Kenya’s leading business incubation hub and is located at 5th Floor Student Centre Building at Strathmore University.

A startup is a newly established business, typically founded by one or more entrepreneurs, aimed at developing a unique product or service to address a specific market need. Startups are characterized by their innovative nature, often leveraging technology or novel business models to disrupt existing industries or create entirely new ones. They are usually in the early stages of development, seeking to grow rapidly and scale their operations. Startups often face high levels of uncertainty and risk but also offer the potential for significant growth and impact.